Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day

I am hoping all of you here in the US are having a great Memorial Day. Make sure to take some time to remember those that helped up get to where we are today. Please keep in mind that today is not about amazing car sales, great discounts on electronics or even fantastic sales on clothes.

If you are unlear as to what I mean, take some time to visit the History Channel at the following link:

See you on Tuesday,



  1. ...that's what I was going to say, too. (the insert link thing doesn't really work for some reason, and I hate it. This is a good html cheat I use, but it sets it off as a bullet point)

    < li >< a href="http:// PUT YOUR WWW.STUFF HERE, WITHOUT THE SPACES "> AND THE NAME OF WHAT IT IS HERE < / a >< / li >

    (I had to put spaces in the rest of the html too, so it needs to be squished)
    Happy Memorial Day :)

  2. ...oops, forgot to say it can't go into the "insert link" box, it needs to be added as part of the blog post text.

  3. O.K. So my brain is on vacation too. I got it up and running now!

    Thanks for the note!

