Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Think Before You Write

There are too many times that I get a submission across my desk and question, "what on Earth was that person thinking?" I really have to sit back and stare at the submission and wonder why this writer took so much time out of their life to write a story such as this.

The answer is simple. The writer didn't think about their writing before they sat down at the computer. This is the result of a lack of prep work, a lack of research, and certainly a lack of critical thinking. Frankly, I don't know about all of you, but I simply do not have the excess time in my life to waste on a project that will never sell. I don't care how good of a writer you are, the market has to be ready for a project.

It is important that as you begin the process of writing, you take a few minutes and consider if this story is really going to be worth it. Are the characters redeemable? Is the plot even something we will want to hear about? Is this just a remake of another story? Is it going to be too short? Is it going to be too long?

Please people. Don't waste your time on projects that are doomed to fail from the beginning.

It will save you the time. save you the $$ of sending out the projects and certainly save us the time and energy of rejecting something that should have never been sent out in the first place.


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