Monday, January 11, 2010

A side note on women's fiction

I want to remind people that I was guest blogging on this issue over on Chuck Sambuchino's website (follow the link on the side).

I also want to remind people that the information on the website, as well as prior blog posts have tried to clarify the differences between women's fiction and romance.

Just a friendly reminder.


1 comment:

  1. Not only is this a great read for those of us struggling to understand what we write, reading this blog saved me from plunging into what might have been a disaster.

    When I read the blog, I had been actively seeking an agent and got a request for a full from Writer's Literary Agency. My gut didn't feel right about it.

    After reading your comments in Chuck's blog, I noticed the Writer's Beware link and guess, what? Okay, you already knew, but I didn't. WLA is most likely a scam.

    Ah, the vulnerability of us newbies...

    Lesson Learned and stated here for anyone who reads this: If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is! CHECK OUT an agent/publisher if you are surfing unchartered waters!
