Wednesday, January 20, 2010

When Editors Rock Go Mills and Boon (#MillsandBoonUK)

I think, too often, we forget the hard work and dedication the editors put in for our manuscripts. Sure, we see letters of acknowledgement in books, but do we really appreciate the hard work they do for us. For new authors, you need to remember that editors are really working their butts off for their current writers, and then, on top of this, they work with new writers. They are out there at conferences, on their weekends when they could be visiting with families. They are reading your submissions on the way home from work (often really late at night). They are assisting with critiques for chapters and reading contest entries (on their own time).

Today, I simply wanted to send out virtual chocoloate to the editors of the Harlequin Mills and Boon staff. These ladies totally rock! How??? Let me count the ways...

1. They know their stuff. There is no second guessing their abilities to edit but also their abilities of knowing their genres inside and out. When one of them tells a writer they missed a date or a fact in a historical, they are right on the money.

2. They are fast. I am always amazed at the speed in which they respond to current writers as well as new writers submitting the first time. There is no waiting for months on end without even a wink or a nod. They respond.

3. They are respectful. Even in a rejection letter (which I should always say is personal), I always feel that I can go back to my writers and give them a quality answer so they can improve. And of course, to do this, you never get a form letter from them.

4. They produce quality work. Never once have I seen these ladies accept anything less than quality. They don't just chase trends or send out something that is cute for the moment. When I see a Mills and Boon title, I know it will be great. To add to that, they are always able to take the already great stories and make each so much better.

5. They are humble. There are a lot of great editors out there that produce great work. I don't want to slam them; however, when it comes to humbleness, these ladies take the cake. They are very proud of their work and their authors. This comes through in the excitement you hear from the authors when they talk about their writing and their editors. But these ladies are not out there proclaiming their work. They show off their writers.

I have to say, as an agent, I am very proud to have writers working with the ladies of Mills and Boon in London.

Great work ladies!


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