Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Don't Rush Into Your Pitch Appointments at RWA Nationals

It is time for me to once again make a plea to authors heading to Nationals and wanting to get pitch appointments with editors and agents.


I am always frustrated at all of the writers that rush out and "snag" appointments to anyone they can get their hands on. You have heard me say this before and I am going to say it again. Your story doesn't fit with every editor or every agent. Do your research before you sign up and really think. Does your writing and does your personality really fit with that publisher or agent. If not, don't sign up.

I guess this message is really going out to all of you writers who get to sign up early for appointments. I hate to break it to you, but many of you writers really should be signing up for some of the Harlequin slots instead of those other houses. You may have a 110,000 word manuscript but the plot, voice and structure screams Harlequin.

For those of you signing up for publishers and agents without doing your research, I hate to break this to you but you better be braced for that rejection letter. Now, if you sign up for someone that would actually appreciate your writing, you might have a better chance.

Now, for those of you who don't get the advance signing in privledges, you also need to do your research. Don't just sign up for the sake of signing up. If there are no publishers or agents on your "well-researched and well thought out list" then don't sign up. Find another way to get that story to them.


1 comment:

  1. Great advice here. RWA Nationals is a wonderful opportunity to pitch, but why waste it on agents or editors who clearly states they don't represent your genre?
