This week is about giving and not getting. I am calling on the readers of this blog to help your fellow writers out. We need to know what you do! Editors, I am calling on you this week as well. How do you help YOUR authors! This is some free advertising too! Tell us who and their latest book!
It is a pretty regular occurrence with one of my authors at Greyhaus. I can almost guarantee that during the process of writing her book, she will call me and complain that her book totally sucks. She will go on and on about not only the "suckage quality" of the book, but of how her editor will hate her, the reviewers will tank her book... I think you get the idea.
For this author, it happens about 75%-80% of the way through the book. It is that moment when things need to be wrapped up, relationships sealed and bad guys killed off.
I want you all to know, this is a pretty common point for all authors. Essentially, what you are feeling is that same physical and mental response that runners get when they hit "THE WALL." It is that point when you just want to quit and give it all up.
Now, I know with this author what it takes to get her through it. In her case, it is a lot of "You are a great author." "Your editor loves you." "Go read your fan mail." And, in those severe cases, "Go get a shot of Bailey's and some chocolate."
We know that constant positive feedback helps with this author. What do you need/use to get through this tough point?
And remember, editors, tell us how you help your authors out! I am calling on my @HarlequinBooks and @MillsandBoon for support here!
One of the most useful comments I heard (on Radio 4, in the UK) was a writer suggesting there's no such thing as writers' block, just writers afraid to write badly. I can't comment on the existence of writers' block thing, but permission to write badly is, oddly, liberating. So I keep going - with words on the screen I have something to play with.
ReplyDeleteSometimes I get to a point in trying to develop the plot where I feel there is nothing new to write about in the entire universe. Everything has been said. But then I remind myself that music composers only have 7 notes (plus the sharps and flats!) and I have 26 letters so I shouldn't complain.
ReplyDeleteI think it's nice to know that we're not alone when it comes to feeling like we suck. Writing is such a solitary existence and I know when I'm feeling those doubt weasels creep in, I have to remind myself we all go through it. I'm also extremely lucky to have a fantastic editor at Mills & Boon. The last time I was really struggling through a book and its revisions, Laura gave me a call and a pep talk. Now when I struggle, I think about that talk and scale the wall. Great post.
ReplyDeleteIf I'm ever in a position where I just can't write anymore then I know I've taken a wrong turn in the book. So I take a day off then start reading from the beginning. The playlist I've chosen for the book helps as well.