Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Make Your Own Future

One of the things people are often taught in motivational programs is how to take charge of your own future. You control your own destiny.

I was really thinking about this today when it comes to publishing. This is one of those businesses where an author really has to do a lot of work on their own. It is a shame, because in the past, authors could really count on those publishers to take care of a lot of things for them, so that they could focus hard core on their writing.

But things change.

Writers have to understand that, while it is easy to blame others for their lack of success in the writing world, and yes, some of those things might be the fault of someone else, it is still up to that writer to really make those successes happen.

Yes, this is going to cut into some of your own writing, but it will be worth it in the long run.

Before you throw that blame on someone else, ask yourself if, while this might be the fault of someone else , is this something you can take on yourself? If so, quit complaining and just do it.

Just something to think about on a Wednesday.

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