Thursday, March 28, 2019

Regarding Contest: Question from a Writer

This week, I have brought up the idea of contests and how authors need to really think about what those results really say. With that said, an author asked the following question:

So is part of the advice that we shouldn't bother entering contests? Should we mention them when querying? 

This is a great question and I have to stress that in no way am I suggesting NOT to enter contests. I think there are a lot of benefits to many contest.

First of all, if you are entering contests sponsored by local writing groups, this is a great way to support fellow writers and their organizations financially, and hopefully get something out of it in return. Remember, most of these organizations are NPO's and all of their programing is controlled by fundraising programs such as contests.

Secondly, if the contest provides the comments and feedback from preliminary and final rounds, this is a great way to get some initial feedback from the everyday writer. You have no clue who these people are so that feedback is very valuable. These are truly outside readers without any bias of already liking you or your writing that you would get from your beta readers and critique partners.

Finally, there is still the great chance that an editor or an agent does read your writing and does want to see more of your work. We do judge these contests, not just to help out and be generous, but to find some great new writers.

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