Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Open Letter To Men "Writing" Romance

Dear Men,

I wanted to address this to you mostly. Does this message impact female authors as well? Sure. Does this letter clump every male author into one category? No. I know that there are those of you who get it and I celebrate you as an author.

As you know, Greyhaus represents ONLY romance and women's fiction. These are genres that are clearly open to authors of all genders both as readers and as authors. However, time and time again, it becomes clear that you are authors who A) do not read romance or women's fiction: and B) do not know or understand the genre.

Romance IS NOT a just a romantic story. It is a genre with specific nuances and characteristics just like science fiction, fantasy and others. To be a strong author in this genre you need to both read it and understand it. I do not think you are doing that.

Let me give you an example of something that I often do at conferences when male authors pitch me a story that they are attempting to market as a romance. I pull out book covers from my authors and ask, "Would your book appear next to these?" At that point, the authors sputter and spit saying that their story is nothing like that. Then this means they are not writing romance or women's fiction. Please, take the time and go to a book store. Ask the sales person to take you to the romance section and look at those books. Pull out those books and start reading.

  • Does your book fit here?
  • Do you read these books?
If not, you do not write this.

I want to also extend this to a slightly different angle. I don't know if it is something in the male genetic make-up, but you need to do your research and know that your book is not the exception to the rule. 

I don't know how many times, when I see my email inbox, I can start to make predictions as to how many of these male authors I will reject and what they think they are marketing. I really don't like to take this approach, but again, too often, the male authors are the ones who are ignoring the submission guidelines, claiming they do "extensive research" or argue that I should change my mission and focus as an agency  and to accept his book. 

If you want to know why the women are dominating in this genre, it is because they DO read the genre and they DO their research!

So please. Take this advice. I (along with other editors and agents) am fully open to finding great authors regardless of gender. We look for great stories. We are not rejecting you simply because you are a guy. We are rejecting you because you are not doing your research.


Scott Eagan
Greyhaus Literary Agency

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