Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Catch A Clue

We have all seen those psychology experiments with rats. They run to one end of their cage and if they click the right button, they get food. If they click the wrong one, they get a small zap or negative reinforcement. After a couple of tries, the rats learn.

Unfortunately, I have several authors out there who are probably not as "with it" as those rats.

Yesterday, I was working through submissions and stumbled across 3 authors who have submitted to me in the past. In fact, they have submitted A LOT of projects to me over the years. In all of these cases, I have passed on their projects. But here is the thing. I have passed on these stories, not so much because the writing was not good, but because these are projects that are simply not things I acquire.

These authors are like those rats who apparently cannot catch a clue that doing the wrong thing results in a zap.

I know I am not any different than other agents out there. Just because we reject a project does not mean you cannot submit again. Take the information we give you to you and adapt your next project if you truly want to work with us. But we do want you to learn. If I say I only accept romance and women's fiction, then learn from that. If you do not write this, then don't submit your next project to me.

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