Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Attitude And Desire Are Key In Publishing Success

We spend a lot of time talking about technique and strategies when it comes to writing and publishing. While these are certainly important, there is also the element of your own mindset when it comes to success. You have to believe that you can do it.

I just finished reading THE RISE OF SUPERMAN by Kotler. He spends a great deal of time talking about how people are successful in those extreme sports such as rock climbing, skydiving and all of that crazy stuff. Throughout all of this, he really pushes the idea of attitude and how these athletes think. It plays a key role.

For writers, you have to also believe you can do it. Understand that this does not mean it replaces the hard work, training and dedication. It also does not mean that attitude alone will carry you. What your attitude does it to give you the drive to get up every day and work on that story. It is the drive that says even in the hardest of times, you will find a way to overcome the obstacles.

When you talk to successful authors, they always have that "can do" attitude. I remember seeing a post a while ago from my good friend Jane Porter. She had hit a stumbling block on one of her novels and realized she was going to have to return to square one. Instead of complaining, she simply took the moment, seized the day and moved forward.

If you are still using terms such as "I hope to..." or "I will try to..." the odds are that you are not in that mindset yet. You need to simply know you can do it and push forward.

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