It really does not matter what holiday you celebrate during these winter months. You might not celebrate any holiday as we hunker down in the cold weather (OK, I get it may be warm down there in Australia, but just work with me here). The point is, this is a time of family. This is a time of putting away all of the harsh feelings we might have toward one another. This is a time that for most of us, we can walk away from work and the chaos that goes with that work.
And, it is during this time that there is nothing like a romance novel, because it all comes down to one thing. There is a happily ever after! Although the characters in that novel may go through some tough times, we know they will make it. We know that they will find a way in the darkness to get to the one they are meant to be with.
During this last year, I am sure I can safely say that we all need a bit of good news and a happily ever after. It doesn't have to be big or extravagant. We just want a feel good moment. And that is what the romance genre does for all of us.
We also need solutions to those tough times that we are facing in our regular life, and once again, it is the romance novel that provides the answer every time. Sure, it might seem a bit cheesy at times, especially as we binge watch the Hallmark Channel. Yes, it might be the Christmas Cider Press in Twinkle, Colorado that saves the day. It might be the Ponderosa Puppy Shelter that provides a glimmer of hope to a foster family in Poinsettia, Pennsylvania. But we have to remember that in all of these situations, it was LOVE and ROMANCE that solved everthing.
It is no shock that romance is one of the most enduring genres out there. Across all cultures and time, it is the romance genre that has always been there for people. It will also be the genre that continues to last throughout time. That I am convinced of.
As I sit here getting ready to get the last minutes groceries (curbside pick-up) and wait for those last minute gifts that may be late, but I know they will be there, I want to wish all of you the best holiday season ever. I want to celebrate all of the romance authors out there. I want to cheer on the editors and agents who work tirelessly to make your stories the thing we need this time of year.
Let's end 2020 on a positive note and remember the messages of all our romance novels.
Happy Holidays to you and yours. I had a white Christmas where I live and it was awesome. I was iced then snowed in, so I texted all the relatives that I loved them and then spent the day reading books and working on some training that had to be completed by the end of the year. It was a perfect gift to me.