I came across another post today from some author who was trying to promote a workshop/book/charged service...(you get the idea). The title of the post was "How to land an agent!". Essentially this person was going to show authors techniques to get that dream editor or agent!
Here is what this person, as well as so many other promoters like this, missed.
To land an agent or to get that great publishing contract requires two things:
1) A book that is well written
2) A book that fits today's market or genres
Look, do not get me wrong. I reject a lot of people who are just approaching the business of publishing the wrong way. They ignore submission guidelines, they mass mail their query to any one who is breathing, they are offensive in their query letters... the list goes on and on. Will these people get a contract? Absolutely not. But this is not what we are talking about here. What we are referring to is the attempt to show authors "inside tricks" to get that contract.
Again, what it takes is a well written novel that is actually suitable to the market and something that the market is looking for right now. It is that simple.
We don't really care if your "Beta Readers" loved the book. In the end, the book has to be good. In fact, in today's market, your book has to be amazing and stand out among so many other books.
What does this require? You, as an author need to learn the craft of writing. This is a craft. It is a skill. It is not just a matter of sitting down at a computer and typing a story. It requires you studying what good writing looks like and what bad writing looks like. It requires you taking the time to learn how the publishing business works.
I guess, in the end, I simply want to say that these people who seem to think there is a trick to getting an agent are just taking your money. There are no tricks other than writing something that is REALLY good.
You give me hope!