Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Change My Business Model?

This weekend, I was working through submissions. As always, I will get a stack of people submitting projects that I simply do not represent. Yes, you have seen versions of this post before. The information for what I represent is out there, just like every other editor and agent. There are not hidden agendas. We are not trying to keep publishing only open to those gifted with the secret language of publishing. 

Now, I do understand some authors out there are making mistakes because they have been trying to find shortcuts to getting their book publishers. I want to address another group out there. These are the people who are bitter that they got rejected and then decide to make their error about the editor or agent. 

In this case, I passed on a book that was not only not romance or women's fiction, it was a story that the premise probably won't sell, and even worse was novella length. In any case, passed on it stating that this was something I didn't represent and still wished them all the best with finding a place for their story.

And then the response came in telling me that "I needed to break out of my shell." In other words, maybe I needed to change my business model. Oh, was there the temptation to respond but the reality is, that was far from professional. But here is what I would have said:

Dear Author, 

I am sorry to hear you are upset about my passing on your project. As noted, this was something I do not represent and you suggested I change my business model. I would encourage you to see if others would do the same. Try this... take your story to the local big box hardware store and convince them to put it on their shelves. If they say no, ask yourself, would some story who sells nails and plywood, sell novels? I know you might think that is stupid. Of course they wouldn't... and neither would I. 

As an agent, when I send my client's manuscripts, I send these to only those publishers who represent those books. I do not send romance novels to publishers who represent cookbooks. I send it to those who represent romance. 

Please do understand. We are not hiding things from  you. It does, however, take time to do your research. Reading skills matter.