I get it... The whole click your genre thing on query manager is not that effective, BUT, get as close as you can, please.
I just spent the morning answering query letters and so many of you said your genre was one thing on the summary information I see before reading the actual "query letter" and then, when I start reading, I find that I am now reading something completely different. And honestly, when I say completely different, I mean completely different.
Chick let became a dystopian dark murder thriller.
A category romance designed for something such as Harlequin or Entangled romance became a 180,000 word single title legal crime novel.
I am hoping that some of you just did the best you could.
But, I also know that there are a lot of authors out there who will do anything to get your manuscript in front of an editor or agent even if it means maybe twisting the information a bit. Remember, this is not going to help you. Query manager does allow us to ARCHIVE your submissions. A lot of other agents, like myself take that information and put it into an external spreadsheet so I know I know if I have seen you before on or off of query manager.
As I have always said, this is part of the reason I am not a big fan of Query Manager. You are limited as an author as to what you can click. As agents, we are limited as to how we can shape what we put in our form. And finally, we have to hope you as authors will actually LEAVE Query Manager and do what we tell you which is to go and visit our website first to see exactly what we want. And guess what, while you are there, you could just simply write that query letter and submit it to us directly telling us just what your story is without having to navigate the whole Query Manager mess.
Just a thought....
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