Sunday, October 25, 2009

On Attending Conferences

I was sitting around last night with many of the other agents and we were talking about attending conferences. We were all noting that we hear of places that want agents to visit but never ask. I know I have said this before, but just ask! Don't be shy. For the most part, if we aren't doing anything and it is the right time for us, we can come.

For myself, you have all given me a great break. My next conference is the RWA National conference in July. Why did this occur?

  • No, I did not turn down conferences.
  • No, I am not already booked for other things.
  • YES, no one asked.

And I should say, the same goes for contests. I hear on the loops about how contest coordinators are always in a bind to find final round judges. Hmmm, guess what? The Just Ask rule applies here too!

So, feel free to forward this post to all of your chapter presidents and contest coordinators. There is still time to find agents to come and talk or to do presentations for you. All you have to do is ASK!



  1. Hey, so taking your "just ask" post literally, I'm wondering how much you charge to come and talk. I'm a college student and member of a writing club here on my campus. Would you be willing to come and speak about the writing business and what it's like being an agent???

  2. Contact who ever you want to come to a conference directly. With most editors and agents, it is simply a matter of providing transportation, hotel and food. With private writers, they may ask for more.
