Yes, I know it has been a while since I posted. But, as the title suggests, yes, life does get in the way.
You will see that the last post was on Nov. 17th. The next day, I was back on the road again (trip #5) to drive from the Seattle area to New York to get my kids from school. Once that was done, we were into a small safe and sane Thanksgiving with just us. Oldest still had 2 weeks of classes online, middle was done but immediately got to work with her horse, and youngest, still plugging away with her high school work. Add to that my wife is still teaching and working on her latest book. As for me, I was still hard at work with client projects, and my own teaching.
In other words, a normal chaotic block of time.
But here is the thing. Even though life does get in the way, it is important to do something, every day, for your craft. It might be brainstorming new ideas for stories, or even outlining what you need to write next. It might be promotion, or reading up on submission guidelines. It might simply be researching what the latest trends are with your genre. The point is, you cannot just walk away.
I have seen too many writers just stop. In many ways, it is like those students who, after high school, say they are going to take a "gap year" which often turns into more than a year. That break allows our brains to think that it doesn't need to function in that capacity any more. Trying to get back to writing after a long break is often harder than it was when you first started writing a story.
You can get though it though. The key is to think of that Nike slogan. Just Do It!
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