Wednesday, September 25, 2024

RWA Updates

Hey everyone in the PNW.

I had the great chance to sit down (ok, via Zoom) with Megan Crane and a group of great authors talking about reinvigorating the RWA scene. We know there are NO RWA chapters in Washington State. We know there are a lot of you who want to reconnect. Megan is pushing for a great opportunity. She is working to build a new RWA community here in the Pacific NW

While the chapter is based out of Oregon, she wants to reach out to everyone. She and the entire team (Yes Jane Porter and Maisy Yates are right there with her) are pushing to look forward and not backwards. The team wants to get back to what RWA was really about. Talking about GREAT ROMANCE. Talking about CRAFT. And more importantly, not just sitting around and complaining.

I am 100% backing them. 

1) I believe in the romance and women's fiction genre.

2) I believe there is a place for everyone.

3) I believe the only way to grow as a writer is to be a part of the community.

So, with that said, if you are a writer in Washington, Oregon, Northern California, (I'll even throw in Idaho and British Columbia) and you BELIEVE in the romance and women's fiction genres; you DESIRE to be a part of a community that values writing and the craft, then this is the place for you.

Reach out to me directly if you want contact information. Reach out to Megan Crane or Jane Porter if you want more information.

I was so rejuvenated after this meeting. I felt alive again about the romance genre more than I have been for a while (and I am pretty stoked about it already). 

DO NOT let this opportunity go away.

And, if you are not in the PNW, but still want to be part of something AMAZING, please reach out. 

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