Tuesday, September 24, 2024

When You Make A Mistake, It Is Not Our Fault

Here we go again...

I always have to laugh when I pass on a project someone submits to me because what they sent was not something I acquire. I was answering submissions this last weekend and had several authors who clearly did not read my submission guidelines on my website (or other public sites that I have that information posted). I get that sometimes small mistakes happen. Not a problem.

But then we get things like this.

I rejected an author who sent me this thriller type story but was really pitching a screenplay and the author hoped to turn that into a novel. Not romance. Not women's fiction. So the answer is no.

The reply was: "

"Well, it sounds that this story is too much for you and you're into books about nothing."

No, this is not that I am into stories about nothing. No, this is not that I am not interested in big and bold stories. It is that I am not into this genre the author is pitching and I do not represent screenplays.

I get it, rejections suck. I hate writing them and you hate getting them. However, when you reply to a rejection out of frustration such as this, the odds of you ever getting where you want will be slim to none. 

Just think before you type.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, no, not another one! I'm sorry, it must be incredibly frustrating.
