Saturday, October 26, 2024

If It's Not Working, Do Something Different!

I have found myself returning to a quote recently far too often. It is often misattributed to Albert Einstein, but right now, it is just the quote that matters.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. 

Unfortunately, far too many authors are not paying attention to this idea. There is this belief that if you believe in your writing, stick to it. Eventually, someone will like it. While a part of that might seem true, if you keep getting those rejections then the odds are, you might need to take a different approach.

I am not saying that you should jump over to a different genre if the one you have been trying is failing. Stick to that. What we are talking about is the way you are writing that genre.

I often get authors who I have passed on earlier, send me a new project. Because I do keep notes of what I thought about a project I passed on, I will always go back, check that reference, and then see if they have done something different. The majority of the time, the approach they took is almost always the same as the prior story (or stories). These authors did not change what they were doing. 

If you want to see this first hand. start paying attention to the contest finalist for the partials they sent in to local contests. You will likely see many of the same people showing up time and time again. What you will also see is that the majority of these authors never make it past those contest wins. Sure, they are winning with random readers who like their writing, but if you want to make it to that first contract, the people you have to wow over are the editors and agents.

So, what can you do?

First, read those rejection letters. Really see what they said about your story. (Yes I know some editors and agents don't send letters, so work with the letters you do get). If you are seeing a pattern, fix that issue.

Secondly, take deep dives into those debut authors and see what they are doing. Really dissect that story and see if what they are doing is what you are doing. No, this is not the plot that you are looking at, or they type of character, it is the approach they took to writing the story. 

Finally, get eyes on your project from people who "truly know". No, not your critique group. No, not your family. Real people who have successfully published traditionally. I stress traditionally because anyone can self-publish. You want those who have run the gauntlet and have gotten that great feedback. Have them help. And yes, this does mean joining a real professional writing organization. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Catching Up

It's been a while but hey, like you, life gets in the way. And yes, I know before any of you start jumping on the bandwagon, I always stress making sure you keep up with your writing schedule. So, with that said here are a few things that have been going on. 

RWA Promotion! I have been trying my best to promote the work being done my Megan Crane and her team as they push to create a regional RWA Chapter. As you know, I never left. I believe in a national organization that supports the great writing of romance and women's fiction. If you are someone who left a while ago, it is honestly time for you to return. This is especially true for those of you who left because someone else told you to do so. 

If you are like us in Washington State, there are no RWA chapters. This is a shame because there are some fantastic writers up here, and that connection is now just lost. For those of you who are interested in learning more about Megan's work reach out to her on social media. I know they are eager to get you involved, even if you are not in Oregon.

Workshops, Workshops, Workshops!!! I have a ton of workshops lately. Some of these have been virtual but it doesn't really matter. I love working with new authors who are eager to learn. This last weekend I did a workshop with UCLA on improving writing skills and will be doing another workshop with them this coming weekend and then one on marketing with a local college. 

If you want someone for workshops, reach out! I'll come and visit, listen to pitches and you name it. Just ask.

Working with my clients! Yes my writers are busy and hard at work. This means a lot of editing and reading. 

Reading Submissions This has been huge and unfortunately, this has not been that profitable. The number of submissions I have received from authors who need additional training has been huge. With that said, refer to my earlier comment about workshops. 

I will add, that those of you using Query Manager, please read. I have not found ANYTHING so far from this site, even though so many people think this is a great approach. 

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Quit Looking For Shortcuts

I don't know how many times I keep saying this. but please, quit looking for short cuts. To get anywhere in any career takes time and you cannot use ways to speed up the process. Let me put it this way.

Today, I was reading submissions and passed on a project because it was not something I acquired. This happens all of the time because people are not taking the time to read or do their research. This one, however, was even more devastating. 

The author wrote back stating...

I got a list of  children’s literacy agents on Fiverr from a lady I paid.. I guess I got scammed. I just assumed the list was valid and did not double check.. 

I feel sorry for this author. There are too many people out there willing to take advantage of so many new authors trying their best to make it in this competitive market. 

Please forward this to everyone. 




Friday, September 27, 2024

What Writing Chapters And Conferences Are Missing

 Earlier this week, I had the chance to meet with a few authors talking about starting up an RWA Chapter in Oregon. One of the ideas that was floated around was what they were all missing with the discussions in writing chapters today. The big take-away was a lack of just talking about the craft. The focus all seems to me on selling digitally, new marketing techniques for self-pub authors and how to essentially do this all on your own. The joy of just talking about stories was just missing.

I bring this up because one of my authors spent sometime this morning talking with her editor about her upcoming book. When she talked to me about the conversation, she was amazingly excited! You could hear it in the passion in her voice. She spoke about how she and her editor really spent time talking "story". The conversation did not focus on sales or what the data said was the best approach.

This is truly what chapters are missing today. This is what conferences are missing. 

While I did not attend the NINC conference, what I found interesting was the focus on all of the social media posts and pictures I saw. Pictures all focused on companies promoting sales. Even people who attended just sent out comments about how cool it was to listen to the head of XYZ company talk about a new approach to increase sales. I saw no posts about people talking about how excited they were to attend sessions on things such as "new ways of looking at character development" or other similar craft ideas. Even seasoned published authors love sessions like this to just get them to re-think their own writing. 

I will continue to say this for a while. This is why I am so encouraged for people such as Megan Crane, Maisey Yates, Jane Porter (I know I am missing one other key name and I am sorry). and their push for this new RWA Chapter. 

The hope is this will really lead to a great HAPPILY EVER AFTER!