Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Remember The Feelings Of The Holidays - This Can Be Added To Your Stories

This is a short post this AM before packages, champagne breakfast, spiked egg nog and so forth.

Even though you might be taking the day off of your writing (tsk, tsk, tsk) this is a good time to keep your mind open and pay attention to things going on around you. Remember the senses and the sounds. Remember the feelings of walking into those warm holiday homes.

One of my authors is currently working on a Christmas story for next year and this is just what she is focusing on. The editor has really pushed for having a sense of home and family. This is a real "feel good story." So to achieve that she is focusing on really working with those senses to convey the images. In other words, she has to show and not simply tell.

I would recommend taking time every now and then and jot down those thoughts and images. Take the time at the end of the day to journal about your thoughts. You may be surprised at what you find.

Happy Holidays Everyone!


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