Publishing is really a finicky business. On one side, we want you to have your own voice and create a unique story. On the other side, we want you to do what is selling. And yet, when you do what is selling, now it looks like you are just doing what everyone else is doing and now, are you really unique?
Quite a conundrum, huh?
I was thinking about this yesterday as I was working my way through some submissions and seeing what was currently out there in the market. I knew this, but for some reason, it really hit me more this time. Maybe it was the coffee, who knows. Everyone was writing the same type of story.
And then it got me thinking of that line from THE INCREDIBLES from Syndrome...
As an agent, and I know the editors say they are doing the same thing, we are looking for an author to bring "something new to the table." Does this mean you write something totally out there? No. We still have to know that the story will sell. That is just too big of a gamble. Remember, as an agent, we are working for free until we sell that story. That might be a lot of time we don't get back again. On the other side, editors are paying you money up front, gambling, that your story will earn that money back.
What, I believe, authors are doing, is simply seeing what is out there and doing the same thing. If a hockey story with heroine as a figure skater worked before, let's try it again. Of course, this time let's set the story around two new coaches instead of professional athletes.
This is not going to work. Just swapping out one thing for another does not make the story different. What makes it different is blending in potentially another device from another genre and see how that goes. Honestly, if you think about THE PRINCESS DIARIES, she did the same type of story of putting an awkward teen into an unfamiliar situation. She just tried the same story using diary entries. Ta Da!
I do remember when that hit, everyone thought diary entries were the way to go. Sorry, here comes the Syndrome quote again.
It is a fine line. I get it! However, find that happy medium. If a current genre is working, then go for it! Use it. BUT, find your unique spin on it.
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