Tuesday, January 21, 2025

We Don't All Like The Same Thing

What a lot of writers seem to forget about professional writing, editors and agents, is what they know from their own person lives. Not everyone likes the same thing. 

If you sign with an agent, it means that agent totally loves your story and your writing. It connects with them. They see a future for your writing and that story. So off they go, and they start to promote that story to all of their editor friends telling them how amazing you are.

But it doesn't always work out.

Why? Because we all have different tastes. Sure, I loved the story, but maybe it didn't work with that editor. Does it mean that the story is bad and is destined to fail? Absolutely not. This is just the subjective variable of this business.

This is really a tough thing to wrap our heads around at times. Writers tell me this all of the time at conferences when they just don't understand why all of their Beta-readers love the project and it is going no where. Why do they keep getting those rejections?

Simply because it didn't connect.

Let me also say, there are a lot of times when rejections show up simply because of bad timing. The market has shifted. The editors just signed a couple of books that are similar. 

All I can say is, "Welcome to the world of publishing!"

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